
alumni association history

Founded in 2005, the association is proud to be the first official Sinfonian presence in NYC since the late 1980's. Our group has brothers from a diverse array of chapters near and far, from careers both musical and non-musical, and locations and backgrounds equally as diverse.

Work for Sinfonia, and Sinfonia will work for you.
Live for Sinfonia, and Sinfonia will live for you.
Once a Sinfonian, always a Sinfonian. Long live Sinfonia!
— Official Motto

A common phrase heard among brothers in Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is "Once a Sinfonian, always a Sinfonian." It is the spirit of this phrase that has fostered loyal alumni Sinfonians for more than one hundred years. The alumni Sinfonian looks to the lessons introduced in his college days for inspiration and strength throughout his daily life. Yet, while probationary and collegiate memberships are the core experiences for a lifetime journey in Sinfonia, the participation of the alumni member is not passive or secondary. He assumes the vital role of supporting the Fraternity's continued efforts to build musical students into men of high ideals and of ensuring that the Sinfonia experience is available for generations of students to come. Sinfonia's sixth Supreme President, Percy Jewett Burrell, wrote in 1910,

"As students we were in the 'getting' business; as alumni we should be in the 'giving' business." Alumni membership in Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia provides the possibility to give back to the Fraternity and its collegiate membership all of the benefits of the life -changing lessons learned through probationary and active membership. All Sinfonians are called upon to achieve the fullest potential of this possibility by making the most of their post-collegiate participation."

Alumni are a reflection of our past, a representation of our present, and a link to our future. This vision of a Fraternity that fosters ongoing relationships through an environment that invites, supports, and presupposes post-collegiate involvement and interaction on local, regional, and national levels is critical to the future of our Order. Every chapter has alumni, and every collegiate member will become an alumnus of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. While the probationary and collegiate membership experiences provide the foundation for a lifetime journey in Sinfonia, the alumni experience can be the most substantial. Continued involvement in Sinfonia after graduation is an expectation and obligation of membership.